Sutton School News

Friday 13th September 2024

In this edition we have Phase updates, the Magical Lamp, how to keep children safe online, healthy sleeping habits and our wider school community.

  • Trees

    In our creative adventures this term, 8T1 designed and crafted space rockets! The class had a blast, combining science and imagination to construct these unique models.

    8T2 embraced a historical theme by participating in a fun "Titanic dress-up" activity. They enjoyed learning about this iconic ship while stepping into the roles of passengers and crew.

    7T1, 7T2, & 7T3  

    In Science, these classes took to the skies, making kites as part of their lessons. It was a wonderful opportunity for them to explore aerodynamics in a hands-on way.  

    In Art, students worked on self-portraits, showcasing their creativity and individuality.  

    Additionally, 7T1 honed their knot-tying skills during Woodland School sessions and crafted some very creative feeling monsters to express emotions through art.

    7T4 & 8T4  

    These classes dived into a salt dough project, where they used this versatile material to create models of their faces. This hands-on activity allowed them to explore facial expressions and forms in a tangible and artistic way.

    Special Visit  

    We were delighted to welcome a children’s author and her dog, Poppy, who gave an inspiring talk to all the Trees pupils about what it’s like to be a children's author. Her storytelling and insights into the creative writing process left a lasting impression on the students, and Poppy was an absolute star!

    It's been an exciting term filled with creativity, hands-on learning, and imaginative projects across all classes. We can't wait to see what comes next!

  • Hills

    It has been a pleasure to welcome Hills pupils back into school! A special mention to our year 9 pupils who have settled into upper school really well. We have wasted no time in getting stuck into our autumn term curriculum; embedding safe, happy, learning towards independence into everything we do. Here’s a snapshot of the exciting things we have been up to... 

    9H1 spent an interesting morning in Suttons Woodland. Firstly, we practiced tying knots, and then we showed great teamwork by building a shelter together which didn’t blow over in the wind! 

    10H1 have been learning about renewable energy such as wind and waves and non-renewable energy such as oil and gas. 

    11H1 have enjoyed a trip to the local library. They spoke to the library assistant who told them all about careers in the library, how books are organised, and what other activities are on offer. We even signed up to a class library card and borrowed a variety of books which the class are excited to read! 

    9H2 have had a fantastic start and all have settled extremely well. We have started exploring different ways to express ourselves as part of our English topic. In Science, pupils went on a nature walk in the woodland and took part in a range of sensory based activities including leaf printing in autumnal scented play dough, finger painting and making seasonal sensory bottles.   

    10H2 enjoyed their first session of hydrotherapy, participating in aqua aerobics and having a fantastic time in the heated pool. We are looking forward to going again next week! 

  • Rivers

    It has been wonderful to welcome our Rivers pupils back into school. We are really proud of how well year 9 have settled in. Pupils have began working towards qualifications, exploring lots of different subject areas and attending after school clubs. Here is what we have been up to...

    9R1 have been spending some time in the library and putting their organisational skills to the test.

    This was a mammoth task but a successful one! Pupils discussed their favourite books and have organised the shelves to help the rest of the school community to use the library successfully. Well done 9R1!    

    10R1 visited Wordsley Library as part of their careers lesson. We asked what it was like to work in the library and what jobs people had to do and then explored the range of books on offer. Some of us signed up for a library card too! 

    10R2 have settled in nicely and have already got stuck into our new reading text for this term, Wonder, which covers many important themes such as friendships, emotions, acceptance and bullying. They have taken part in some good discussions about the characters and given their own ideas and opinions. 

    11R1 have started looking at planets and the solar system as part of their D of E skills section this year. They successfully constructed a mobile solar system to support their learning. In other news, we also discovered that penguin bars are bourbon biscuits covered in chocolate!  

We are excited to announce that rehearsals for our upcoming show, A Magic Lamp, are now underway! Pupils are working incredibly hard, and we can't wait for you to see their fantastic performance on Wednesday 27th November.

Tickets for the show will be available starting Monday, 23rd September, so be sure to secure your seats early!

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing this magical experience with you.

Miss Mascall

  • Keeping children safe online

    As the children form new friendships, it's important to be aware of the platforms they use to communicate. Social media, messaging apps, and online games can be fun ways to connect, but they can also expose children to risks.

    Here are a few tips to help keep your child safe online:

    1. Monitor platforms: Know which apps and websites your child is using. Familiarise yourself with their features, especially privacy settings.

    2. Encourage open conversations: Make sure your child feels comfortable talking to you about their online experiences, both positive and negative.

    3. Set boundaries: Discuss time limits and appropriate content for their age. Remind them not to share personal information online.

    4. Stay informed: Technology changes rapidly, so regularly check for updates on online safety.

    By staying mindful of your child’s digital interactions, we can work together to create a safe online environment where they can thrive.

  • Healthy sleep habits

    Healthy sleeping habits

    As we transition back into the school routine, we want to emphasise the importance of re-establishing healthy habits, especially when it comes to sleep and daily structure. A consistent sleep schedule is crucial to ensuring children are rested and ready to engage in their learning each day.

    - Set a regular sleep schedule: Encourage your child to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

    - Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Reading a book or listening to calming music before bed can help signal to the brain that it’s time to wind down.

    - Limit screen time before bed: Try to reduce exposure to screens (phones, tablets, TV) at least one hour before bedtime.

    In addition to sleep, establishing daily routines helps children feel secure and supported. Here are some helpful tips to create a routine that works for your family:

    - Morning preparation: A regular wake-up time paired with a calm and organised morning can set the tone for a productive day.

    - After-school wind-down: Allocate time for play, and relaxation after school, keeping a balance between activities and rest.

    We hope these suggestions help create a smooth and positive transition back to school. Here's to a wonderful term ahead filled with learning and growth!

    Click here to read more.

  • Our wider Sutton community

    We are pleased to introduce PC Katie Russell, who has joined our wider school community as our Police and Young Persons Coordinator. PC Russell will be working closely with our pupils, providing guidance and support where needed, and helping them understand important matters around making the right choices.

    Her role will involve offering advice on various topics, ensuring that our pupils are informed about their rights and responsibilities, while promoting positive behaviour both inside and outside of school. PC Russell is a fantastic resource for the school, and we are excited to have her on board.

    She will also be available at this year's Parents' Evening on 23rd October 2024, so feel free to stop by and say hello!

    We look forward to seeing the positive impact PC Russell will have in supporting our pupils and strengthening our school community.

    To keep update with all the events happening at school please see our events page of our website.

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