Term Dates
Pupil Term Dates
(allowing for INSET days)
Term Starts - Tuesday 7th January
Half Term - Monday 17th to Friday 21st February
Term End - Friday 11th April
Term Starts - Tuesday 29th April
Half Term - Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May
Term End - Monday 21st July
Term Starts - Wednesday 3rd September
Half Term - Monday 27th October to Friday 31st October
Term End - Friday 19th December
Arrival and Departure Times of Day
School Arrival:
Pupils are to arrive between 8.20 am and 8.40 am
School Departure:
Monday to Thursday
Departure from school commences at 3.00 pm
3.00 pm-3.15 pm Local Authority transport on-site only
3.15 pm-3.45 pm Parents/carers may enter the school site to collect their children
Departure from school commences at 1.30 pm
1.30 pm-1.45 pm Local Authority transport on-site only
1.45 pm-2.15 pm Parents/carers may enter the school site to collect their children
Taught hours in school over a week therefore equal 32 hours and 40 minutes. Allowing for morning drop off and afternoon departure the school is open to pupils for 35 hours and 35 minutes in total.
After school clubs are also available to pupils on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Regular attendance and punctuality are essential. Only illness or extreme domestic needs are considered reasons for absence from school. Your child’s education is important to us and we want your child to achieve the best possible results. To do this it is important that all absences are kept to an absolute minimum.
It is the parents/carers responsibility to notify school of any absence. Parents/carers must notify school of any further absences until the pupil returns to school.
Failure to inform school of any absences may result in the school undertaking home visits, requesting support from West Midlands Police to complete safe and well being checks or seeking Local Authority intervention.