Admissions & School Tours
A pupil with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is awarded a place at Sutton School through a formal process managed by Dudley Local Authority’s SEND Placements Team. This process follows the legal framework set out in the Children and Families Act 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice (2015). A place at Sutton School is typically allocated when a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that identifies our specialist provision as the most appropriate setting to meet their needs. The decision is made in consultation with parents or carers, professionals involved in the child’s education and care, and the school itself, ensuring the placement aligns with the child’s assessed needs. Dudley Local Authority has a statutory duty to secure suitable education for children with SEND and must ensure placements comply with Section 42 of the Children and Families Act 2014, which mandates the provision specified in the EHCP.
Information about tours of the school
In the past, we have welcomed prospective pupils and their families for school tours. However, due to increasing pupil numbers and the school’s physical capacity, we have had to pause this practice.
Over the past year, we have provided tours to four times as many pupils as we can accommodate. Unfortunately, for every pupil who secures a place, three others who have set their hopes on admission are unable to join. To manage expectations more effectively, we will now only offer school tours once a place has been confirmed by the Local Authority SEND Placement Team.
We appreciate this may be disappointing but hope for your understanding.