At Sutton School, the safety and well-being of pupils is paramount.
Sutton School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our students by protecting them from any signs of abuse and by helping them to look after their mental, physical health and wellbeing.
Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm - safe from bullying, safe from people who could abuse, safe from discrimination or harassment - and that we all feel safe in our environment. If your child is ever concerned about safety or wellbeing or about a friend, they should talk to someone such as a parent or a member of staff.
The Sutton School Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs D. Doman
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Mr I. Curnow
Mr D. Adams
Mrs K. Fellows
Ms A McPherson
The Sutton School Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Heather Jeavons.
Contact Details
The Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs D. Doman can be contacted via or by ringing the school on 01384 818767.
Should you need safeguarding support outside of school hours Dudley Council Health and Social Care Team contact details are available at: There telephone number is 0300 5550050 where you will talk to a member of the MASH team (Multi-Agency-Safeguarding-Hub). The out of hours emergency duty team can be reached on 0300 555 8574.
Further Documents
Go to our school Safeguarding Policies by clicking this link
We follow the Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership Board procedures. Policies relating to safeguarding are available from this website or directly from the school. Please click below for further information on Dudley’s safeguarding protocol and procedures. Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership (DSPP)
DfE Safeguarding documents are linked to below
General Safeguarding Links
Dudley Prevent Duty
With effect from 1st July 2015 the Counter Terrorism & Security Act gives specified authorities a legal duty to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
Find out more here: Dudley Prevent
Our E-Safety Resource Centre contains useful links and resources on how to manage online safety for young people.
NSPCC Help Line
Phone Number: 0800 136 663
Email Address:
Education Against Hate
An “educate against hate” website was launched by Nicky Morgan, whilst she was England’s Education Secretary, as part of a renewed drive against extremism.
Being Bullied?
This has been added to the safe and sound website so young people and parents know what process to follow:
How to handle sexting incidents as a parent or teacher (SWGfL)
'Sexting isn’t just behaviour that adults engage in, it’s increasingly common in young people too. With that dynamic comes all manner of legal, ethical, and personal challenges, and this article from SWGfL looks more closely at what you can do as a parent or teacher to manage sexting incidents with young people.Read the rest of this article here:
Latest Version of "So You Got Naked Online" Released (SWGfL)
SWGfL's Laura Higgins and Ken Corish originally wrote 'So You Got Naked Online' in 2012, for young people who had already sent a 'sext'. They have now update the leaflet to improve the language and make it more inclusive.
SWGfL also asked Kate, from the Revenge Porn Helpline, to create a 'self-care' page to help promote a bit of self-love and R&R.
You can download 'So You Got Naked Online' here:
The Revenge Porn information can be found here:
For Younger Children
Undressed Song and Video (LGfL DigiSafe)
An LGfL severe of 40,000 children found that nearly 1 in 10 pupils who video chat with people they haven’t met have been asked to change or undress, and more than 1 in 20 pupils who livestream have been asked to change or undress.
Parents and professionals are often aware of issues around teens being coerced or tricked into getting undressed or revealing themselves online. However, what do we need to say to the youngest pupils, and why?
LGfL has created a video, song and poster to help schools and parents spread the message of never getting undressed in front of a phone, iPad or computer, for the very youngest primary pupils.
A common tactic of sexual predators is to trick young children into getting changed or undressed on camera by playing a ‘game’ or issuing a ‘challenge’, for example, to see how fast they can get changed into different clothes or into a swimming costume. This might happen over video chat or livestreaming app; children often don't even know this has happened; videos are often taken and then circulated.
Internet Watch Foundation research has shown that 98% of publicly available livestreamed child sexual abuse images involved children aged 13 and under; 28% were aged 10 and under.
You can find further information here:
Pupil Safety and Dark Nights
The resources below will help remind children, especially teenagers, about road safety and safe cycling.
Teaching Road Safety: A Guide for Parents
Safety First – Cycling at Night
Teaching road safety: guide for educators
Road safety teaching resources for children
Be Bright, Be Seen Poster
Online Resources
The Children’s Society
Child Sexual Exploitation
Domestic Violence
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Forced Marriage
Internet Parental Controls
International Child Abduction
Central Authority for England and Wales
Central Authority for Northern Ireland
Local Authority Safeguarding Information
Mental Health
Online Safety
Save The Children
Social Media Problems
Virtual College – Understanding Young Minds