Whitemoor Lakes Blog
Having arrived the children quickly set to work unpacking and getting ready for the first activities. Today we have braved the waters of the lake for some raft building, climbed walls like spiders (apparently) and climbed poles to take a ‘leap of faith’.
Tuesday has brought clear skies but no less windy. The activities rotated once again giving our pupils, your children an opportunity to get wet (again), climb towers (again) and shoot things (a new experience). Well done to our brave souls for conquering both water and height.
Some lovely new activities on the menu today, and the sun made another showing. There was some canoe action with a couple of unfortunates going for a dip. Flinstones-esque buggies were made and questionably steered. Ropes and poles were climbed, wires were zipped, orienteering was, erm, orienteered and abseiling was braved. Well done once again to all. Dinner is roast chicken… mmmmmm.