
Curriculum Intent 

  • We aim for pupils to gain the numeracy skills required to allow them to access mathematics in their everyday life. We want our pupils to enjoy learning maths and see clear links to using and applying these skills in a range of circumstances.

  • Using our carefully sequenced delivery of the maths curriculum, we want our children to be ready to progress to the next stage of their learning, whilst embedding maths within engaging cross-curricular projects. All pupils will have access to a maths curriculum which meets their individual needs.  


Curriculum Implementation  

The maths curriculum is tailored to meet pupils needs by following the DAPA assessments levels, National Curriculum or GCSE levels depending upon their individual needs. The use of maths knowledge is threaded through other aspects of the curriculum to provide relevant opportunities to use maths skills in everyday life.  Each child has targets for key mathematical skills and is given daily opportunities to practise and achieve these. Targets are recorded on a pupil’s EHCP and on Edukey.  Children learn using a range of resources, which support a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach guiding them through their understanding of mathematical processes. Children learn in differentiated small group and mixed ability whole class lessons.  Their progress in maths is carefully tracked through a range of assessment strategies to ensure teachers identify where children require support or challenge to assist their progress.  Timely intervention is provided by the class teacher or support staff to address any misconceptions or gaps in understanding to enable children to confidently progress towards their next lesson. We use and select from a range of schemes of work including White Rose, Maths Whizz and MyMaths.  A wide range of resources are carefully selected to enable early understanding within maths and as a tool for intervention work.  By engaging children in whole school challenges, we maintain a high profile for the teaching and learning of maths.  Through cross-curricular practical activities we make maths relevant to children’s lived experiences. 

Curriculum Impact  

The Learning Journey is used to record the impact of the maths education and check against their individual outcomes on their EHCP. Assessments takes place in order to identify what the child can do, to monitor the pupil’s rate of learning, to establish the child’s needs in order for them to progress, and to inform others of their abilities. Pupil’s progress is reviewed using Classroom Monitor, which in turn provides data, for teachers to access and use to inform their teaching, and consequently improve pupil’s learning and progress. Pupils aim to gain a qualification which is at a level suitable for their needs.