
Curriculum Intent

The English curriculum intends to:

  • Foster curiosity, imagination and creativity through the study of relevant and engaging texts.

  • Support pupils to become confident communicators who are able to express their opinions.  

  • Develop transferrable skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening and apply these to life beyond the classroom.


Curriculum Implementation

Pupils have access to a varied and bespoke curriculum offer which encompasses appropriate texts and taught topics linked directly to areas of the national curriculum alongside the study of key skills. Pupils are given the opportunity to experience creativity, use their imagination and develop a love of reading and writing for pleasure whilst acquiring basic literacy skills in order to become independent young adults. This deliberate, blended approach affords pupils the chance to learn about the world around them, as well as develop imaginative and creative skills through the study of fictional texts and engagement in enriching experiences.  

We currently provide four pathways within our English curriculum offer. These aim to enhance the foundations built in Years 7 and 8. Pupils begin this journey in Year 9 where we offer the following qualifications:  

  • AQA Unit Award Scheme- English

  • Pearson Edexcel Entry Level Certificate in English- Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3 

  • Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills- Level 1 and Level 2 

  • AQA GCSE English Language  

Pupils will be guided to study a course appropriate for their needs and ability. For pupils who are unable to access the qualifications listed above, an alternative curriculum is taught and specific units from the AQA Unit Award Scheme are delivered through a topic-based curriculum; allowing pupils to gain recognised accreditation for their achievements.   

The varied nature of the English curriculum offer supports, develops and enables all our pupils to make progress within English and achieve at all levels in line with their varied needs.  This journey will be individual to each pupil and pupils will be guided to study the most appropriate course.  

Curriculum Impact

  • Pupils develop key reading, writing, speaking and listening skills which equip them with the ability to communicate confidently in daily life beyond the classroom.

  • Pupils are able to express their needs and opinions in different contexts.

  • Pupil’s individual efforts and achievements are recognised and celebrated at all levels.